Kamis, 17 Maret 2011


Last night, my friend Sonia told me that she was mad to someone who disturb her life, on afternoon she open her facebook account and at Home she look a "boy" update status about something who make Sonia mad and the status on first at the home page, she really regret for open facebook . Last night she told me and tell me about that, she hurt.. Oh dear i know how much you hurt, i really know . I know your feel when a girl is disturb you when you with one boy oh bad girl! Be patiently darlaaaa i know what you feel honee.. I just can say it to Sonia : "udahlah biarin aja, cewe kaya gitu buat apa di bales apa bedanya kamu sama dia kalo kamu ngebalesnya, hal kaya gini tuh harus pake fikiran bijak jangan pake emosi"

Hohoho when someone ask me to talk about lovelife i always became into "wise-girl" hahahaha really! I can make a wise advise for everyone but not for my self oh bad!

After i told that to Sonia she said thank you to me, thanks for make me relief she said..
Oh i never know that my words can make someone relieved. I'm happy to see her smile.. And today at 4pm i sent a mention to Sonia, like this : jangan sedih lagi ya @soniamrzk ku sayang, hidup kamu terlalu indah dan berharga buat sedih sedihan terus .
And she answer she said thanks and try to not do that again..

It's easy to give someone advise and me? Oh i can do what people said! I'm too stupid -,- i always follow what my heart said hmmmmm . Speak is easy, hard to doing -_-

And tonight, someone on y!m is make me baaaaad mood! Aaaaaa he's my ex crush, i told about some event but he's said that he will go to blablabla with a girl called she blabla :(
Why i get jealous? Why? I do not want to feel this :(
Aaaaaa i hate you! You make me sad and you tangled all :( go away with your barbie!!! I'm bad, i'm not beautiful okey okey i'm go, i'm give up! Byeee :(

*sorry kalo keceletot inggrisnya

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